WriterType Marketing Roadmap

From Good Story Company

Discover your clear, customized marketing strategy—and launch yourself with a bang.
Here’s a secret: marketing success is not about luck.
It’s not about the whims of “the market,” and it’s not about selling out (or selling your soul) to sell your work. It’s about learning what works for you, developing a strategy, and putting that strategy into place. 

The truth is, publishers expect writers like you to do the brunt of the marketing work—but they don’t tell you how.

That’s where we come in.

What is the WriterType Marketing Roadmap?

A friendly, helpful workbook that you can read in one afternoon. It does two things: 

  • Identifies your WriterType—in other words, your marketing personality type, based on your behaviors and preferences.
  • Gives you three easy marketing strategies that are perfectly suited for your WriterType, playing to your strengths as a writer and a marketer.

All you need to do is read it, find your WriterType, and put your personalized strategies into motion. 

Why WriterTypes?

Here’s what we’ve learned over many years in this industry: marketing is not one-size-fits-all—and if you hate doing something, you’re not going to do it. By identifying what type of writer and marketer you are, the WriterType Marketing Roadmap helps you play to your strengths and gives you marketing strategies that you might actually enjoy. And that means more people will get to hear about, see, and fall in love with your work. Eyes on the prize, right?

The end result of this approach is a total reframing of your relationship with marketing. It may not end up being your favorite thing in the world, but you can stop dreading it, and that’s half the battle right there. Less stress, less dread, and more confidence in a marketing strategy you can feel good about—one that’s designed to help your work succeed. All for only $27.
What's Included

The WriterType Marketing Roadmap Workbook

Complete with three WriterTypes and nine total marketing strategies for you to explore and implement.

We think that’s pretty great on its own. But we’ve also prepared a few bonuses to help those strategies succeed:

The Marketing Content Prompt Vault

So you want to write a blog, a social post, or an article about your new book as part of your brand new marketing strategy...but you have no idea where to start. This collection of 60 personalized content prompts will get you writing about your writing in no time. Depending on how quickly you use them, they could last for years.

The Marketing Mindset Revamp

If you’re uneasy with the business vs. art debate, or you’re shy about putting yourself out there, this booklet will be extra valuable. We’ve been there, and we’re here to talk you through it. (We almost called this one “Marketing for Introverts.”)

The Private WriterType Marketing Facebook Community

Marketing loves company. Connect with writers on the exact same journey to troubleshoot, share ideas, learn from one another, and celebrate your marketing wins. Our team is in there too, and it’s one of our favorite places to hang out online.

Tech Resources for Writers

No tech knowledge is required for you to start marketing today, but it sure can make things easier. This resource demystifies the tech side of marketing and helps you make the best use of the Internet for your marketing strategies.

Using Social Media to Snag an Agent or Publisher

Learn the dos (and the many don’ts) of snagging a gatekeeper's attention online so you can achieve your publishing goals, too.
Get your WriterType Marketing Roadmap—including these five exclusive bonuses—for only $27

Who We Are—and Why We Created the WriterType Marketing Roadmap

Our lead editor and founder—and your fearless guide through the world of marketing—is Mary Kole. She’s worked as a publishing company editorial assistant, and a literary agent, and she’s now a freelance editor working directly with writers. She’s helped more than three thousand writers since 2013, and she founded Good Story Company in 2019 to help writers of all categories and genres improve their lives, their art, and their overall experience in the industry.
“I work with writers every day in my freelance editing business, helping them create the strongest, most compelling, most beautifully written stories of their hearts … and then too many of these books tumble into the void for lack of marketing support.”
That’s why we made the WriterType Marketing Roadmap. We want to see writers and their work succeed—because we know that there’s nothing wrong with you or your work. It’s the “business as usual” approach to marketing for writers that’s broken, and we’re here to fix it—one writer at a time.
“Mary truly is amazing! Thanks to her, I have learned so much about marketing my work. She’s also a whiz with editing. I use her for every book. She made me laugh. She made me cry. She made me a better writer and marketer!”
"Mary is a consummate professional. Not only does she know what makes a compelling marketing strategy, she is also patient and thoughtful. She knows all the questions to ask in order to tease out my strengths, and she suggested different methods of approaching marketing. I highly recommend Mary Kole for your needs within the business of storytelling."

Some Other Questions You Might Have…

How do you know I’ll fit into one of your WriterTypes?
We’ll let Mary take this one: “I’ve worked with thousands of writers, and my clients fall into only three marketing categories. That’s where these WriterTypes came from. My beta readers all recognized themselves on these pages! If you find that’s not the case for you, everything we do is backed by a 100% money back guarantee.”
What level of writer is this for? 
The WriterType Marketing Roadmap was designed with all writers of all categories and genres in mind. As long as you’re a writer, there’s something in here for you. If you’re just starting out, you’ll learn strategies that will serve you for years to come—and if you’ve been building a platform for a while, this program will help you focus your efforts.
So how much work do I have to do?
Marketing isn’t a set-it-and-forget-it type thing—you do need to put in the work. But we’ve made it as straightforward as we can. Your three strategies will be simple and easy to implement, and the bonus materials are there to supplement those strategies. (For example, if one of your strategies requires some tech proficiency, the Tech Resource for Writers is there to help fill any knowledge gaps you might have.)
What if I need help? Is there support available?
One of the bonus features is an invitation to join our private Facebook group, which is full of other writers who are implementing the WriterType Marketing Roadmap, just like you. The Good Story Company team is in there too, and you’re welcome to engage and ask questions. And if you need more hands-on, customized support—whether you have a book launch coming up or want a complete marketing revamp—Good Story Company offers that too.
Why is the price so low? What’s the catch?
No catch, we promise. We intentionally made this resource affordable to make it accessible to more writers. We want to help more writers get a fair shot in the marketplace—and that starts with a solid marketing strategy.
What if I don’t like it?
We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on everything inside the WriterType Marketing Roadmap—workbooks, templates, trainings and bonuses. If you’re not happy with it, just send our team a message and we’ll refund your purchase price. (We fully believe it’s worth the investment, though—and we think you will too.)
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